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Was the web site useful to you?
How did you come across it?
Are you preparing for the DRCOG or MRCOG?
Is there anything else you think I should include?
Did you find any of the content unclear e.g. the MCQ answers?
Did any of the content clash with something else you had read?
At the last count there were > 9,000 links from one page to another or an external site.
Did you find any links that did not work?
Where did you do your O&G job?
Did you get any teaching?
What job are you doing now?
Send me an e-mail.
If I put my full e-mail address on the web page, it is picked up by the spammers who scan web sites automatically looking for addresses.
I then get thousands of rubbish e-mails
So I have to disguise the address.
Like other e-mail addresses, it is in two parts.
The "myname" bit is drtmcf
The "" bit is
So, it you put the two together on either side of "@", you will get to me.
I'm sorry to be so cumbersome, but putting an automatic e-mail page or my actual address leads to masses of spam within a week or two.
Tom McFarlane.
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