Contact Details
MRCOG page | NW Part 2 course | NW Part 3 course |
Make sure you tell us which course you want: MRCOG Part 2 or MRCOG Part 3.
If you don't get a response to phone calls or letters, we may be off on holiday.
The best thing then will be to send an e-mail to the address below.
I always check my e-mail every day or two, even on holiday.
Contact details:
22 Lyndhurst Road,
M20 6AA.
Google map: Click here.
Home: 0161 434 2365
Mobile: 07788818027.
If I put my full e-mail address on the web page, it is picked up by the spammers who scan web sites automatically looking for addresses.
I then get thousands of rubbish e-mails, mostly making disparaging comments about my bits.
And offering magical herbal remedies to make me the Stud of Manchester and the 8th. Wonder of the World.
So I have to disguise the address.
The above is a copy of the address which the scanners can't pick up.
Tom McFarlane.
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