Don't Panic!
You obviously do not need to read all of these books, nor should you try.
Read the section advising about reading before thinking about buying any books.
I have given a wide list so that you can choose the ones that suit you.
Most of them will probably be available in your library.
If not, the ones I have listed are relatively inexpensive (apart from the mega textbooks, which are horribly expensive).
You can also obtain them from the College Bookshop.
Write to the RCOG Bookshop at the College or order online. Phone: 020 777 26275.
You can also get them via the Internet e.g. from
Amazon or Waterstones.
Text. |
Author. |
Publisher. |
Preparing for the DRCOG |
Rymer & Higham |
Petroc Press. |
Preparation & Revision for the DRCOG |
Rymer et al. |
Churchill. |
Coales. |
Royal Society of Medicine. |
The Complete DRCOG. |
McCormack et al |
Saunders. |
Gynaecology by Ten Teachers |
Chamberlain |
Obstetrics by Ten Teachers |
Chamberlain |
Essential Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
Symonds & Symonds |
Churchill. |
Obstetrics Illustrated |
Garrey et al |
Churchill. |
Gynaecology Illustrated |
Govan et al |
Churchill. |
Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics &Gynaecology | Arulkumaran | Oxford |
The Diplomate. |
Review Journal. |
Handbook of Obstetric Medicine. |
Nelson-Piercy |
Martin Dunitz. |
Key Topics in O&G |
Slade et al |
Bios. |
Obstetrics and Gynaecology - an evidence-based text for MRCOG |
Arnold. |
Dewhurst's Textbook of O&G for Postgraduates |
Whitfield |
Blackwell. |
High Risk Pregnancy |
James et al. |
Saunders. |
A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy |
Enkin et al |
Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths |
Essential Paediatrics |
Churchill. |
A Neonatal Vade-Mecum |
Fleming et al. |
Essentials of Neonatal Medicine |
Levene et al. |
Blackwell. |
Resuscitation of Babies at Birth. |
Royal Colleges of Paediatrics & Obstetrics. |
BMJ Publishing Group. |
Essential Medical Genetics |
Connor & Ferguson-Smith |
Blackwell. |
Practical Genetic Counselling |
Handbook of Family Planning & Reproductive Care |
Glasier & Gebbie |
Churchill Livingstone. |
Contraception Today |
Guillebaud |
Martin Dunitz. |
Handbook of Contraception and Family Planning |
Baillière Tindall. |
Contraception your questions answered |
Guillebaud |
Churchill Livingstone. |
The Pill |
Guillebaud |
ABC of Sexually Transmitted Infection. |
Adler |
BMJ Books. |
The Menopause & HRT |
Smith & Studd |
Martin Dunitz. |
OSCEs & MCQs in Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Pitkin, O’Connor & Jenner |
Saunders. |
MCQs. in Gynaecology & Obstetrics |
Setchell & Lilford |
To make matters even worse, the College publishes its own list . Click here for details
The books designed for the DRCOG are particularly useful, e.g. those by Rymer, Coales and McCormack et. al.
If you use them, which you should, you must remember that they can be a year or more out of date.
They may have been published before the changes in the format of the exam in 2007.
They may have errors relating to subjects that update frequently such as contraception and HRT.
The books are only published every few years and even then the lead-in time to publication will be many months.
Despite this, they are very useful as the bulk of the contents will be accurate
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